уторак, 31. март 2015.

How I find inspiration, motivation and my exploration

Hello. Today I want to mention a one person's blog which gives me much inspiration and additional exploration, and above all - motivation! Here's the link:  http://www.lindsaydoeslanguages.com/
Please take a look if you're interested in language learning, and other things about languages! It is the best thing I found so far about languages, among other blogs. It encouraged me even to sign up to Instagram and Pinterest for example, to be even there surounded by languages! I've spent my time a lot in a last few days reading it and doing things which are suggested there.


I want to mention also another person whose YouTube channel with plenty of advice helped me the most when I firstly ventured into language learning. His name is Steve Kaufmann. If you have a wish to start learning a new language but you think that you can't do it, he has even a playlist of his videos on that subject (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiFB-yYuG2hiBCnQLusaH6cNJ7odgfNUT)

I got lost these days in blogs, videos, social websites, etc. about language learning and all things language.. With this post I am stopping my "procrastination" and I'm going back to LingQ to do something, as I think it already became my habit to spend some time there every day. À bientôt! (see you later!) :)

понедељак, 30. март 2015.

Poesie (A Poem)

I read and listened to a poem by Victor Hugo called "Demain, dès l'aube" I will write it down in French and add two pictures of the words in the poem. It touched me in a certain way. It was the first time I read a poem in French, and that was from famous Victor Hugo! (I learned the unknown words on Memrise and added a picture for 2 words there, so it inspired me to write this post)

Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.

Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.

Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.



"Just LingQ" period (90Day Challenge)

I won't go into details now on LingQ because I don't feel like advertising it, it has a lot of it, but it helped me really lot. So, I'll do it anyway, but little. Simply put: you have there audio for every text, for absolute beginners to very advanced learners. It is focused on "real language". You mark words which you don't know and learn them by flashcards, that's how most people do it there. etc. etc. The focus is on exposure to the language. By the way, that little cute creature is my LingQ avatar, which grows as you learn new words, and has other features. I'll stop it here.

So.. I've in February 5th I've started my 90Day Challenge. It consist only on meeting your certain targets. The main goal is to do tasks there every day for the next 90 days.. From the beginning, I haven't done it in that, "right" way.. I said earlier that I don't like rules. ;) But, that challenge helped me a lot. I wasn't listening too much, and now I listened to language spoken by native speakers a lot more than I did before. My reading improved immensely, besides other things. My challenge ends in the early May and I plan to devote my time before that to keep up with my targets. I've now been active on LingQ and met my daily targets for a few days in a row and I plan to keep it that way, I will try to not miss a day. I guess I now have more motivation. :) 

My current challenge stats are:

My stats to Intermediate 2 level are these:

I'm halfway there - yaay! :D

I want to tell you now an important thing. My only focus on LingQ will end by the middle of May, max. I will then continue to be active on Duolingo, and on the other websites.

недеља, 29. март 2015.


Hello! Zdravo! Salut !

My name is Nina, I live in the second largest city in Serbia and my deepest passion are languages. I am still an external high school student.

I always found all kinds of languages and cultures interesting. My mother remembers something from my childhood: when I heard someone speaking Hungarian, I told her: "Mum, they are speaking in English!" and started "imitating" them by speaking something completely gibberish! :D

In my early childhood I watched Cartoon Network channel on my cable TV and I learned a lot just by watching it. Then I started to love it and wanted to learn more. Afterwards I started going to school and had it in it and was able to learn it. I was best in my class in English, but it was a piece of cake for me because I was hungry for a foreign language knowledge. I finally became fluent in it by speaking with online tutors.
When I was in primary school I got the desire to learn a new language. I dreamed of learning French, but I thought it was too hard, so I enrolled in a course in Italian, but for some reasons stopped very early. Then, for several years I kept my love of languages a secret. Now - my goal is to learn as many languages I can in my lifetime. I've taken a course again, but now I'm going to classes for a couple of years. Since I was always shy and wanted to be independent, my primary focus is on independent language learning and I think that it helped me much more in learning than classes.

I'm curently learning French, if you're interested to know. :)

I use primarily the website called LingQ, but I plan to and use many more of them!
My major language learning rule is that there's no rules! :) Others are: it must be fullfiling, needs to be fun most of the time, it is advisable  to listen to songs, watch movies, listen to spoken language, read interesting content, doing ANYTHING related to a language or languages.